Place of Peace

Come home to the truth of your being. Who and what you really are is right here, never more nor less. Place of Peace helps people remember who they are and why they are here through its patient transmission of a deeply embodied stillness, silence, peace, and vastness.

Friday Evening Silent Meditation & Prayer

What you give your time and attention to grows. The Friday Evening Silent Meditation and Prayer is a time and place to give yourself to that which you love, that which you are devoted to. This carved out time spent sitting in quiet with a group is powerful. Connection with the earth, each other, and God on a level deeper than the conceptual is the medicine we need right now. This deep place of presence is the mysterious giver of life and insight, the dissolver of ancient pain, and the medium through which revelation and clarity arise.

This place of depth and vastness and silence is right here, always, never more and never less. We find our way to it, but we do not create it. It is here, waiting.


  • Please be ready to sit at 6pm and observe silence for the entirety, so arrive around 5:45, 5:50pm and get a spot that feels good. We sit outside or inside, depending on the weather and group consensus

  • There are two 25 minute silent sits, and a 15 minute silent break in between (tea, walking, more sitting, journaling)

  • Fellowship or quiet on your own following the meditation/prayer.

  • There is a bit of guided meditation at the beginning the first sit so that people have a place to start, and to provide some direction to the experience. 

  • There are cats here, so if we are inside there is some cat hair (though I do vacuum and clean that day)

  • If you have a chair or cushion that you like, please feel free to bring it. There are chairs etc here 

  • 3660 Steam Mill Rd, Odessa NY 14869, park in the driveway or along the road. If you park on the road pull well over as it is used by big trucks.

  • The sits are live on zoom. Here is the link


  • Suggested Donation/Dana $5-$10

  • If you use google maps, be aware that it may send you via Dean Rd - don't take that route! It is a bit dicey. Use Newtown Rd or Havens Rd

Tuesday morning Presence & Healing Group

The Tuesday Morning Presence & Healing is a time set aside to gather together and open into the direct experience of various facets of our deeper being and God. We spend time allowing the day to day thinking to soften and relax through prayer and silence, and then invite in different aspects of soul - silence, stillness, joy and communion to name a few, and then spend time sharing what is revealed to each of us.

There is a power when a group joins together in contemplation on the same topic and then shares from a embodied and grounded place what they discover in the stillness and prayer. Presence & Healing looks at as what does God/the Universe want to bring forth through me? What is devotion? How do I bring the calling of God and soul into day to day life with family and friends?

The group also spends time honestly and safely exploring anything that is painful and stressful in our lives and the world so that these things can be healed, allowing a fuller expression of life to flourish in the day to day.

Tuesday Morning Presence & Healing:

  • 10am-11:30am

  • Bring a journal/something to write with if you wish.

  • Tea and coffee provided.

  • There are cats here, so if we are inside there is some cat hair (though I do vacuum and clean that day)

  • If you have a chair or cushion that you like, please feel free to bring it. There are chairs etc here 

  • 3660 Steam Mill Rd, Odessa NY 14869, park in the driveway or along the road. If you park on the road pull well over as it is used by big trucks.

  • The group is live on zoom. Here is the link


  • Suggested Donation/Dana $5-$30

  • If you use google maps, be aware that it may send you via Dean Rd - don't take that route! It is a bit dicey. Use Newtown Rd or Havens Rd

"Silence is the ultimate and best teacher, because in silence is the neverending welcoming to do that which our human heart truly desires, which is to always be with our knees on the floor, always be in that devotion to Truth."
